?Pets are the perfect way to help your children learn so many things! Having a friend they can talk to without repercussions is a valuable advantage when a child is trying to work out a personal problem on their own. They can tell them anything and the pet is just there to love and enjoy them. I?m sure our dogs and cats solved many problem for our children during their younger years!
Caring and being responsible for someone else is a big mind leap for a child. Sure they love Mom and Dad. They love their siblings. But those beings are taking care of them. The daily routine of feeding, watering, and loving their pet teaches them ?about reaching out to others. Having a companion who is always there to love them back helps a child to calm themselves when life gets unfair in their estimation.
For our children pets were considered part of the family. Fortunately we live in a rural area and always had room for one more rescued cat or dog. My youngest brought home a mixed breed dog that was tied to a fence post on the roadway. The poor dog had been beaten and was close to dying from lack of food and water.
My youngest best friend!
?Sandy became an intricate part of our lives. She was our defender for many wonderful years and I still miss her today. She gave us undying devotion and love. Our children spent many hours exploring the government land behind our home and I never worried about them. Sandy was always with them and ready to protect them from cougars or other predators.
I?m learning to ride!
My granddaughter is an only child at this time. Her family consists of cats, dogs, ferrets and horses. She treats them like friends and they always get to eat when she does. Sharing with them is natural and an intricate part of her life. To her sharing is normal and being stingy with others a totally alien idea. She has transferred those actions to children she plays with at the park.
If you live in a small home or have allergies there are other pets that will teach your children. Gerbils, goldfish, mice,turtles and even snakes can contribute to the same teaching experiences. Although, I did draw the line at snakes! We did raise mice and gerbils. And at one point we had a Red Tailed Hawk in residence.
It does not matter whether your child is involved in public school or home school, they need a friend. They need to learn about caring for others. They need the responsibility of caring.
Source: http://homeschoolvspublicschool.com/what-do-pets-teach-your-children/
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