Flavorful World?s Friday Fourplay offers up a bite-sized tidbit of info on each of the four food- and drink-related things we found most interesting each week.
Photo credit: Food Republic
The Easy Butter Former
Japan just keeps on giving the world interesting food- and cooking-related things. Today, I?m talking about the Easy Butter Former, a kitchen tool that alleviates the?um? ever so mildly annoying uh??problem? one meets when one attempts to spread too-cold butter on toast. The EBF, as I will henceforth refer to the device, solves this dilemma by grating your cold butter like hard cheese, that you might distribute it more easily over whatever your heart desires. Kitchen necessity? Doubtful. Conversation piece of the night when visitors come calling? You bet.
Via Food Republic
Photo credit: Gizmodo
Coca-Cola?s Slender Vender
Coca-Cola recently unveiled the world?s slimmest vending machine, filled with Diet Coke, and unwittingly placed me on the horns of a supreme personal conflict. The slender design is a good idea, making refreshing beverages available in places a standard refrigerator-sized machine cannot fit, and doubtless saving money on production costs by requiring less material than its brawnier forebears. However, it also deprives me of that smug sense of satisfaction I used to derive from the knowledge that while I could certainly stand to shed a few pounds, I am significantly thinner than a vending machine. So, yeah. Conflicted over here.
Via Gizmodo
Photo credit: Tasting Table
Tasting Table?s 2013 Mother?s Day Gift Guide
This Sunday is Mother?s Day, and Tasting Table has assembled a wide-ranging list of gifts that are sure to put a smile on the face of any mom with a taste for the finer things in food, libations, books, pantry gems, and more.? Does anything scream ?LOVE? louder than a box of French charcuterie and a bottle of the sparkling divinity that is Prosecco?? I think not.
Via Tasting Table
Photo credit: Thrillist NY
The Cronut
Why, despite a sometimes tenuous relationship with my hometown, do I continue to love the place no matter what?? This is why.? In NYC?s Soho neighborhood, Dominique Ansel Bakery has rolled out a sweet new evil called the Cronut (a hybrid croissant/donut that I have to think would have existed on the island of Dr. Moreau, had the good doctor chosen pastry chef as his profession instead of lunatic scientist.)? Thrillist?s Paige Beaumont recently taste-tested this latest glazed, cream-filled bit of evidence that the universe adores us.? Her advice? Get in line, and get in line early if you want to experience the Cronut?s fried, sugary wonder, because they tend to sell out fast.? One can only wonder why.
Via Thrillist NY
*Mention of a product, good, or service in a Friday Fourplay posting should not be interpreted as an endorsement either from Anthony Beal or Flavorful World food and drink blog. Vendors are not notified ahead of time that their products/services will be featured, thus Flavorful World will at the time of posting have had no related interactions with said vendors or any sample of their products/services by which to judge them. As such, we have no idea what these vendors are like to work with, or about the quality of their merchandise and are unqualified to vouch for them as reputable. Our Friday Fourplay lists are posted in the simple spirit of our having come across something that looks and sounds engaging, and thinking that perhaps our readers will think so too; no more, no less. With that in mind, patronize these establishments and vendors at your own risk.
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