শনিবার, ৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Using Blogs And Articles In Your Internet Marketing Business Plan ...

In order to maximise web site search engines, it might be tempting to post pieces of writing to as many sites as possible. This may include your own blogs, article marketing sites, social networking sites as well as your own customised web site. All very well and good, you may think.

Or is it?

Quite apart from the fact that many article publishers only like to see original content and not something that is ploughed out here there and everywhere, there is also the question of whether something is actually an article or a blog. Indeed, does anyone actually know enough about this to even notice? Let?s look at what the Internet says about both articles and blogs and then I shall expand in a little more depth about my own theory.

Let?s look at this first of all. Just our of interest, the absolutely correct way of spelling it is ?blog. This is because the word is a derivative of two words i.e., web and log. The apostrophe replaces the word web. Not wishing to sound pedantic, however, it shall be referred to as blog for the purposes of this article. Generally speaking, it would seem that the accepted norm is to describe a blog as a commentary. This implies a certain amount of bias and could be described more of a point of view than a factual description of events.

This refers to an unbiased description of events. In other words, a news item. Quite whether any event can be said to be described in an unbiased way, of course, is open to argument and clearly a topic for another article as opposed to something that should be included in here.

Perhaps the difference can be made clearer by looking at how the subject of this article was introduced in the opening paragraph. Had it been written for the purposes of a blog, it might have begun as follows ? - As one who is always looking for the easiest, most productive way to generate more website traffic, I can be relied upon to maximise any piece of writing by having it posted to many high quality sites as possible. The difference is not just viewpoint being biased or otherwise, rather that the subject and object change. In the case of the blog, the subject is the writer. In the case of the article, the discussion about blog and articles is the subject ( of the piece ).

Compound those facts with the general trend of the blog moderators to lean towards blogs being used to describe the more personal aspects of our lives, it would make sense to assume that the article should be kept for the article marketing sites alone.
This will, of course, be in the interests of the people managing the article writing sites as well for the reason mentioned above ( they prefer original content that has not been shared with any number sites out there ) and so resulting in a win ? - win situation. This is something that should be aimed for when making your Internet marketing business plan as you start your Internet business.

About the Author

My aim is to help people develop their personal and professional skills to enable them and, subsequently, others to attain financial independence by building an Internet business that has a strong teaching ethic.
To see how I started in an Internet business that offers education on this subject and more, you can watch the short video on my site.


Source: http://www.amosstaggs.com/2012/09/Using-Blogs-And-Articles-In-Your-Internet-Marketing-Business-Plan/

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Source: http://emilpugh27.typepad.com/blog/2012/09/using-blogs-and-articles-in-your-internet-marketing-business-plan.html

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